Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 day song challenge- Day 8

Day 8:
A song I know all the words to

This is song used to be one of my favorite songs. I still love this song and because I love it i listen to it all the time!! I now know all the words to this song!! I think this is one of Katy Perry's best songs!!

Firework-Katy Perry

Monday, May 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 7

Day 7:
A song that reminds me of a certain event

Well for this one I just thought of a Christmas song. This was the one I hear a lot on the radio. I didn't know who to do it by so I just chose my favorite band, Glee. This song is fun and does remind me of Christmas!!

Last Christmas-Glee

30 Day Challenge-Day 6

Day 6:
A song that reminds you of somewhere

This song of course reminds me of walking through Disneyland at night!! I always have loved the feeling of being in Disneyland!! This subject was hard for me, so I just chose a Disneyland song.

Main Street Electrical Parade-Disney

Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 day song challenge- Day 5

Day 5:
A song that reminds you of someone

This song reminds me of my friend Cierra! It reminds me of her because when we were on our field trip this song came on and Cierra being her awesome self started dancing to this song!! It was so funny! I love her!!

30 day song challenge- Day 4

Day 4:
A Song That Makes Me Sad

I chose to put this is song because if you listen to the lyrics the words are sad and it makes me sad to hear it.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

30 day song challenge- Day 3

Day 3:
A song that makes you happy:

I love the upbeat type of songs! This song has always made me happy!! I always smile as I'm singing this song. I just love the singer Taylor Swift!!!!

You Belong With Me-Taylor Swift

30 day song challenge- Day 2

Day 2:
My least Favorite Song

I think this one could be obvious for most people! Either Justin Beiber or Friday! Overall my least favorite song is Friday.

Friday-Rebbaca Black

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 day song challenge- Day 1

Day 1:
My Favorite Song Right Now

I'm doing a 30 day song challenge, where each day I put a song that has to do with a subject on my blog. I chose this is my favorite song because it is just fun to listen to and has a good beat and is easy to memorize the words and dance to!!

Born This Way-Lady Gaga